FAQ Puppies Health

It is our intention to breed health Border Collies free of genetical or congenitial faults, we are constantly researching and health testing our dogs, this is very expensive and more and more tests are developed all the time.

We are at present concentrating all our efforts on the defects that we can control such as CEA, by using the DNA test we have already produced "normal" puppies from several exceptional dogs and bitches with DNA "carrier" status, thereby not loosing these special bloodlines.

Genetic Research possiblities

We are interested in our dogs participating in research projects for the following issues which ave been detected in the Border Collie breed. Research is required to establish if these issues are Hereditary and if so to find the genes so that we can eradicate the problems.

  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Epilepsy
  • Sound Sensitivity
  • Herding Ability and its different traits
  • Deafness

We shall soon be calling for owners of ASTRA Border Collies to participate in a survey regarding their Dogs health, temperament and sports performance traits including Herding, Agility, nose work etc.

It is only by doing this that we can establish if our dogs have any issues and our breeding program is heading the wrong way.


Please watch this space. Email Subscribe Bookmark and Share


CEA = Collie Eye Anomaly

CEA a genetic defect that the puppy is born with, in order for it to affect a puppy, both parents must carry the gene either as "carriers" or actually be "affected" with CEA.

All our breeding stock are DNA tested "normal" for CEA or occasionally, in the case of an exceptional dog or bitch who may be a "carrier" they will of course only be mated to a DNA tested "normal" partner.


If you are not intending to breed with your dog, this information will be irrelevant unless the puppy is affected with the disease in which case it's eye sight will be compromised to varying degrees.


For more information visit www.optigen.com

    • All dogs over the age of Two years will be certified physically free of CEA and PRA

PRA = Progressive Retinal Atrophy

PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy) is, as it states, a progressive disease, in the Border Collie it is not considered to be hereditary but rather an environmental factor that has in the past caused the disease. However we are still eye testing our Breeding Stock at two years of age for PRA.

All dogs over the age of Two years will be certified physically free of CEA and PRA

HD = Hip Dysplasia

Hip Dysplasia is becoming a recognized problem within some lines of Border Collies.

Our females and Males are screened for Hip Dysplasia as soon as possible.

All our puppies are guaranteed that they are sound to do the job which they are purchased for.

Our Stud Dogs are all hip scored or are from hip scored stock, or in some cases when using outside dogs we will generally only use those that are still working sound and agile at the age of nine years plus because it is not common within the ISDS members and handlers to examine and score hips.


The jury is still out on the instances of Hip Dysplasia in the ISDS Border Collie, we hear of these afflictions more and more, but as yet there has been no clear genetic link established.

Here at Astra Sheepdog Centre, we do our best to protect your next Border Collie from these and all other afflictions.

OCD = Collie Shoulder

Our only experience of OCD occurred in a grossly overweight puppy who was also not physically fit. We believe at present that OCD in not a problem with the Border Collie provided that the puppy and young dog is kept "mean and lean" in real terms the dog must not be overfed on high protein puppy foods and must be exercised well but not excessively. normal puppy play until the age of 12 mths is what we recommend, No Jumping, No sharp turns under lead. but most important do not over feed.


We have not had reason to believe that any of our current or past bloodlines are possibly affected with deafness. Therefore, due to the current method of examining the puppies for deafness and the stress involved it is not something we do unless we should suspect a problem.


The jury is still out on the instances of Hip Dysplasia and Epilepsy in the ISDS Border Collie, we hear of these afflictions more and more, but as yet there has been no clear genetic link established. Here at Astra Sheepdog Centre, we do our best to protect your next Border Collie from these and all other afflictions.

This is a curse that appears to becoming more common in the Border Collie. However there is very little evidence available as yet to confirm whether it is hereditary or environmental.

We have not had reason to believe that any of our current or past bloodlines are affected with epilepsy.

There is currently research being done in the USA into the disease and if any genes can be isolated in the Border Collie. In the meantime we can only be honest and vigilant, reporting any possible epilepsy cases to the breeder and to the ISDS, including the registration details and veterinary notes on the affected dog, so more evidence and research can take place in order to hopefully one day find a cure or prevention.

Sound Sensitivity

The Border Collie does suffer from this affliction, some of my lines have it and guess what they are the best working dogs I know.

Is it because they are sensitive to not only sounds but movement and tend to be more alert and quicker than other dogs?

These dogs can be managed quite easily by being calm and confident yourself. They are usually very easy to train and work with provided you are not prone to impatience and noisy and irratic handling.

I have all these problems with my temperament and these sensitive dogs really HELP me to become a better person.

I do not actively select for or against this trait and am trying to be patient and hope the results of the recent research done by the Canine Behavioral Genetics Project at the University of California, San Francisco, enable me to scientifically select against this trait without loosing something else within the breed.