We welcome everyone to contact us, but please do not waste our time because we are very busy looking after the animals who come first before you humans (who can help youselves).
We have tried to make it very easy for you to contact us, but if you have tried and failed;
please check out the FAQ "contact us" HELP page before you give up.
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+ 00 44 (0)7724520181
If you do not get a reply please send us a text with a short message and we will get back to you.
Please leave us a message SLOWLY and CLEARLY, or we will not know you have called.
Please repeat your telephone number.
+ 00 44 (0)7724520181
If you do not get a reply please send us a text with a short message and we will get back to you.
Please leave us a message SLOWLY and CLEARLY, or we will not know you have called.
Please repeat your telephone number.
+ 00 44 (0)7771 805030 This is my spare mobile number which I only use in emergency.
I do not use my mobile/cell whilst at home.
Do not presume I will get any text or messages sent to this number.
Once you have completed the Initial Enquiry form you may then contact us via
Download SKYPE now and chat or talk face to face (with video) for FREE.
My skype contacts are:
"Janet Beale"
SKYPE is our preferred and favourite method of contact with our clients and friends alike.
Please contact us first by the Initial Enquiry form, so that we already have an introduction when you call.
We have given you a great deal of information about ourselves and our dogs etc. Therefore, we feel it is only fair that you give us the courtesy of doing the same.
This will help to ensure us that our puppy will have the best possible FOREVER home with you.
Take time to read our website' FAQ pages.
Purchasing a Border Collie puppy or Sheepdog should NOT be a whim, but something that has been researched and planed for.
Please note: We no longer live in Scotland.
Click here for the Google Map Directions to ASTRA SHEEDOG CENTRE