"If you like a dog and it suits you, take it for what it is and what it has to offer and make the most of the dog, enjoy the dog and reap the satisfaction as you work together,
because no dog is perfect.
The dog becomes what you make of it."
Gwyn Jones, Penmachno.
An Adult Sheepdog needs to understand, trust and respect any new handler before working proficiently for them.
A Sheepdog trained to any standard, may or may not, work in the same way for its new handler. There can never be any guarantees on compatibility nor attitude to work, due to the diversity of human and canine temperaments.
In our experience those purchasers given a trial period with their new dog looked only for reasons NOT to keep the dog, rather than working towards developing a relationship.
Good Points vs Faults
The good attributes of a working dog are usually easy to spot and a joy to work with, this though, is not alway the case with their faults, and clever handlers may well be able to cover even the worst faults in a dog.
Therefore we believe it is essential to advise our prospective owners of any known faults displayed by all working dogs offered, this will enable us to match the dog with a suitable handler.
For example: A handler who appreciates a sensitvie dog will most probably fail with a stubborn one.
It is essential that the prospective new owner; (especially the beginner and novice handlers) be aware in advance of any known problems they may encounter, thereby being prepared to prevent future problems by either accepting the faults (the easy way) or by being dedicated enough to offer the appropriate levels of persuasion, praise and perseverance to promote the desired changes in the dog right from their first meeting.
Only unhappiness, disaster and another new home would await the dog should the new handler not be able to offer the appropriate patience, dedication, knowledge and understanding required to work with the dogs faults.
“There is a dog for every person and a person for every dog”
If the dog does not suit you then find another which does.
Do not blame the dog as it is extreemly rare that it is the dogs fault, after all, the dog is only as good as the person who trains and handles him.
Which is why Astra Sheepdog Center offers, where possible, a free lesson to the handler of all dogs sold by us. The offered lesson will be a minimum of one hours duration.
In the RARE instances where the new owner cannot get on with their new dog we offer the following solutions
- FREE "Instruction" Manual
- FREE LESSONS up to four "one hour" sessions
- FREE Telephone and/or email help
- Finally, if all else fails we will resell your dog for you, conditions apply.